Jan 21, 2005 21:41
Well its been a while since i have updated... so i have much to talk about... hmm.. well ill start out at last friday... IT WAS NUTS..I had to work and it was THE BUSIEST FRIDAY EVER! (no lies, we broke a record) and if i forgot to Mention Bertucci's has some thing goin on when now theres only 1 busser on, on friday nights so yea i worked the recordbreaking day BY MYSELF! So when i walk in none other but !!! Cal Ripkin Jr. !!! was sitting at one of the tables... hes mad cool and its cool to see him in real life not on tv. But yea after 5 hours of kickin my ass to work harder and faster to keep up with all the people i walked outta there with a sore body and $90 in tips.. so yea it worked out.. Then the next week comes and nothing... untill wednesday i was reunitied with my friend Jeff who dissamapeared outta site with no trace that was cool.. Now i just got outta work it wasnt record breakin but it was ok (i was still alone) 1 sec.. imma count my tips for tonight... erm *counting*...i made $56 dollars tonight for 4 hours of work.. + Minimum Wage so..its good. Hmm not much else to say now.. Well comment if you would like you know i like to hear from people..
Hell yea Mutha Fucka