First off, let's get this out of the way...
My interview(s) with the cast of ALIENS VS PREDATOR: REQUIEM is up at Fango's web site: Also, my interview with AVP:R's FX guys runs in January's Issue #270 which is available January 22.
Also, go buy Issue #269 on newsstands now.
Ok... Pimp Hat off.
Life here with the Clan Carnell has been good.
Everyone's doing well and all are healthy, wealthy, and wise.
Ok... healthy. The other two are sorta debatable.
Xmas came and went without fanfare.
The kids went to visit their Grandmother in LA, so our familial gift giving was put on hold until 12/30.
I got C a nice diamond ring in honor of both Xmas and our being together for roughly 20 years.
She got me HALO 3.
I think that sort of sums up our marriage pretty well.
Writing has sort of been set aside for a few weeks and Holiday Madness took control of our lives. I'm brainstorming (ok... more like a light sprinkling) about making changes to my website, publishing the novel, and doing more interviews for the funeral director book.
Movie consumption continues at its rabid pace - 2-3 a day.
Most of what I'm seeing coming out of the US has been crap and the things people tell me to see are even worse. For example, I'd heard and read so much about the film HATCHET that I'd started to have some very high hopes that it'd be a good little horror film. WRONG! the film is like a gift from the neighbor's dog you'd find on your lawn. Just horrible.
I did take some heart at the new SWEENEY TODD which I liked with certain caveats. I miss the song "The Tale of Sweeney Todd" which was deleted from the film. Depp did a find job in the main role although his range seemed to be from 'angry' to 'scowly.' Helena Bonham Carter was my biggest problem. In a word, she was terrible. In two words, she was "horribly miscast." Everyone else did a fine job and the film itself was very pretty.
One cool thing about being a grown up at Xmas was that I ended up buying myself a bunch of cool presents. Hey, screw everyone else... I'm getting what I want one way or the other. So, I bought myself some books, the big BLADE RUNNER box set (the one that comes in the briefcase with the little car and unicorn), and a copy of the 3 CD Vangelis BR score. Sweet! Nothing says Xmas like shooting Replicants, eh?
So, now I'll be spending the next few days working on the website plan and mapping out the list of what I want to accomplish in 2008.
What else?
I'm back at the gym after a layoff and I'm hitting it HARD. Running, biking, weight training, sword training... it's all being taken care of. I'm doing 6 days a week, but, for some reason, I'm not losing any LBs. I have lost 3 notches on the belt, but my overall body weight is staying the same. I'm chalking it up to the Fat/Muscle Conversion and hoping I'm not deluding myself. In the next year, I'll tweak what I'm doing as well as overhaul the diet. After that, I should be fine. The most interesting aspect of it all is... I'm starting to feel my age. What I mean is... I find that I can still do most of what I did in my twenties, but now... I just feel like I don't bounce back the way I once did.
As my pal Joe Rogan once said, "Time is a motherfucker."
So, I guess that's about it.
There's been some good books read (Pressfield's TIDES OF WAR and the BATTLE ROYALE novelization) recently, but I'll skip those for now. Suffice it to say, you all should read them.
I'm planning on doing more entries to this journal this year.
We'll see...
Hope y'all had a good holiday and here's hoping the next year brings much happiness, peace, and prosperity.
Take care!
Call your mom!
Tell your friends you love them!
And remember... "Clock's ticking."