Dec 18, 2006 01:37
Today was an ok day. C was off work. The kids were - more or less - home. We had a good ol' sitdown dinner and even did a bit of gift exchanging. See, both kids are 'going away' for Xmas in the next few days; heading to San Diego to spend Xmas with friends, their Grandmother, and - in my son's case - his girlfriend. So, it's a bit of a double-edged sword for us. One one hand, C and I will be alone for Xmas for the first time ever. On the other, the kids won't be here to have Xmas with.
Again, it's sort of a good news-bad news thing as I actually dig hanging out with my children.
It'll be weird to not have them around, but it's also something we should get used to as they're getting older (17 & 21 now).
Then again, we're both kinda looking forward to a time when they're both out on their own and we can settle down to just working/creating.
What else?
I spent some time last night talking with my good friend, Brian. Brian is a longtime buddy and someone whose consule I truly treasure. We spoke for some time and, as always, it did me a lot of good. Then, today, I spoke with another longtime friend, Harv. Harv is also a good guy who I trust and whose opinion I value. Unfortunately, C came home with dinner and I had to cut our talk short. We'll get a chance to catch up when I call him back in the next week or so.
All of this is part of a concerted effort on my part to stay in touch with people I've known for a long time and who, for whatever reasons, had fallen out of touch with. So, now... I actually schedule time to talk with them. Man, is that shit a product of our times?
Tonight, it's just cruising - working on my new website... watching The Man, Toshiro Mifune, in RED LION... and doing some thinking on how I plan to open the article I'm working on for Fangoria.
OK... back to work.