Dec 30, 2008 13:22
I can say that right now I am looking forward to ringing in the new year peacefully and very boringly. Just me, housfrau and rugrat and NO ONE and NOTHING ELSE! Things I am NOT looking forward to, now having to work on Friday because I did not work Monday. In theory I have enough time. Ah well more time for later then. But yeah Grandma had the equivalent of a seizure on the 23rd admitted early Xmas Eve, got lung drained (late stages heart failure), got prednisone Christmas day and went into steroid psychosis with full fledged mafia delusions (or memories - hee if you knew my grandma you'd understand) and didn't recognize anyone but my mom and dad, then slept for 18 hours with no one able to wake her, her body not taking IV fluids, and her kidneys "failing" so hospice all ready to get set up for today at 8 pm yesterday, 930 pm she's awake and talking and coherent! Really no more rollercoasters I mean it! Now my parents can't get any information from the doctors and grandma is still in the hospital and not home where she belongs. All that is wrong with her now is what has been wrong with her. SHE's DYING! Ding bats. Dehydration and not eating and other healthy "anomalies" are normal at the end stages of life let alone this disease, so stop poking and let her go home!!!!!!!! That is the very essence of why I dropped out from being pre-med. Well that and something about dissecting a dead body.
On top of that, Sunday night housfrau and I came home to hamster cage knocked down and broken apart on the floor. Luckily we got both hamsters that night (stayed up until 2 am waiting for them) and even a field mouse. The latter got flushed out into a mouse trap I guess. Bought a new cage last night.
So yesterday housfrau and I played hookie because the level of exhaustion that came over us I can only equate to immediate post pregnancy. So I slept all if not all day until I had to get out of bed at 3 to go to my doctors appointment. Went from there to get hamster cage then to my parents and then to the hospital. I swear the amount of hippocracy that is my family is just unbelieveable. Then from there, home, and eventually bed only to be awakened by screaming night terrored rugrat, go figure. Now at work and just outright exhausted on any level that is possible. I can't wait for a quiet and blissful New Years. The only thing that will stop that is outright death, which of course is possible at this point, but still that is what we got. Now lets just hope they send my grandmother home NOW!
Time to get SOME work done and concentrate on goals and new additional blog for 2009.