Which isn't far from the truth seeing as I slipped down the staircase at 3 in the morning last night 8D;;; Thankfully all that happened was a strained ligament so its not a sprain or anything. My ankles are pretty weak so its considered a blessing. No stupid looking ankle support thingy, thank goodness.
Here's some art. Not really art but initial colour thumbs of what is to be the final for my Light and Mood Study class.
General Black and White thumb version of the final. Yeah I'm those sort of messy artists >_> I'm so screwed in life wei XD;;; Got the perspective a bit off and I need to change the angle of the people cause LCK wants a bit more impact on that side so 8D
ARE YOU BLINDED BY THE TECHNICOLOUR YET??? I KNOW I AM 8D I was wondering how it'd look like in a mass of colourfulness since I've seen some futuristic art that's pretty colourful. Good thing this wasn't chosen or I'd die from t3h colours.
In the end he chose this colour scheme. I like this better thankfully so I'll be able to work with it at least.
If you didn't understand any of the thumbs... I don't blame you 8D; I suck that way. The final will be WAY way more detailed if you're wondering since this is JUST a thumb on the layout and colour application after all. Will post up the final when I'm done with it.
I actually wanted to show the thumbs I did for the final for Digital Art II but that one is still WAY too messy to be shown so I'll leave it for later. But for now .... be blinded by the colours 8D
I think this will be fun. Hopefully tomorrow's trial run of Siao Yen's test will go well. Mooncake Festival theme. Sounds like the death of all my warm coloured markers. 8D;