Meme time agains

Jul 18, 2010 15:29

Ganked this from futomimii  and maxsterism . Interesting test it is.

According to the test, I am predominantly a type 8 (8 out of 8)

But I tie as a type 3 and 2 as well (7 out 8 each)

I find it interesting because once again the extreme polar opposites of my personality is shown. That and its amusing to know that the two different types I am each get stressed out and grow from each other. So I have a lot of inner conflict but I grow from it, is that it >_>;;;? Though I guess it was expected that the more 'overbearing' side of my personality stands out a little more, ahaha...

Haha. Do tell me what you think about it : D

This is an interesting test, so try it out if you have the time. Feel free to put it on your own LJ or in my comment list XD


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