[ART] My head hurts so much

May 19, 2010 15:45

Argh I don't know is it the weather or is it finals, but my head is hurting like crap now. Just an art dump of the past weeks or so. Mostly figure studies and what nots.

That and food. I made Tom Ka. I'm a little proud. It was yummy. Sad that vertigo made me hurl about half of it a few hours later >_>;

So here be a brief post.

First up, Food. Ignore the fact that all the ingredients are pushed to one side of the bowl. I was eating it halfway when futomimii  asked me to take a picture. It doesn't look like much but it was tasty. I should make it more often. Tom Ka Chicken desu.

The piece I did in class where I was specifically told to focus of form and shadow and extreme minimal rendering in the light. My teacher thought that I had reached the level to attempt this study. I'm really happy with the turn out. Its one of my best in class works.

Angela. Tried a mix of approaches with the shadow and light. This was a really brief one since we barely had half the class to do it so my shadow forms and what not are far more simplified. About 2 hours tops I think.

Eric. Last day in class drawing. Since it was the last day I took a little more of an illustrative approach to the composition as opposed to Fine Art. This class is a Fine Art class btw so the teachers are pretty anal on most of the ways you approach your studies. Turned out pretty good actually considering the time we had to finish it. I couldn't finish the bottom so I did some artistic blurring. I'm still quite happy with it too. Eric's a great model too.

I realize vine charcoal is extremely hard to photograph. Photos tend to overemphasize all the strokes as opposed to how much softer it looks in real life.

My Chiaroscuro final. It took ages too do and flowers are friggin hard to work with >_>: I over rendered a little in the light because I was worrying so much about getting the texture and stuff right that I forgot the rule of 'simplification goes a long way'. I got pretty good comments for it though. My teacher said I made a real leap in progress since the midpoint of the semester. I'm happy she said that because I personally can't tell. Most of my classmate's stuff save for one or two, were really disappointing though. I was expecting better to be honest, considering what they pulled out for the previous long assignment.

I have a picture of this set up and I'm considering trying to paint it if I have the time.

The last painting workshop I had time for up till finals. Another Old Master look a like set up. Jun helped me set up a still life that was more low key in colours so the shifts in contrast and colours aren't really big. I had very little time to work with this since he started the set up late so the background pot is really flat and unfinished. I'm quite happy with the way the metal cup turned out though. Its still not super refined but I think I'm getting much better at handling still life and what not and metallic shine.

I still really need to work on where I put soft and hard edges. I need to incorporate it into my thought process as I paint.

One more assignment to go that I really want to finish by tonight if possible so here's to hoping this darn headache gets it over and done with.

I opened a request art post a post or so back, so please go request something if you're free. Hope you guys liked the post.

life, art

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