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....And with this trailer I foresee a great amount of what fans will probably interpret as CANON yaoi cross over pairings of the shujinkos.
Ishida Akira's Kuja voice is going to haunt me in my sleep, and not in a good way. Kefka too D8;
Oh look, no Cloud. So Sephiroth chooses the next emo kid to beat up. Hey look, a side skirt 8D I totally see the similarity! *whacks*
I always knew Sephy's eyesight was failing him. Its probably the only reason his bangs are so impossibly long, as is the reach of his masamune. He's just flailing randomly at the closest emo people in the vicinity.
I think it should be considered a blessing that Nomura did not 'bling' his outfit. Though the idea of having Sephy with little pretty epaulets hanging from his shoulders is enough to hurt my stomach from the contained laughter.
Yes, all the main Final Fantasy Characters will be an all out male ego blast fest, while all the hot chicks will be the villians. Lacking clothing too.
Height and size difference of Frionel and Zidane AHAHHAHAHHHAA .
Happy characters whee 8D Don't get me wrong, I love my emo characters but I like the happy ones too~ Morita Masakazu~~~ <3
Ah, so Sephy isn't the only fireproof villain. Now they're ALL fire proof. Brilliant. We're screwed 8D
....In summary, I can't wait for this game to come out. The battle system looks like awesome fun ahaha. And lets face it, we all always wanted to see what would happen if we had the shujinkos all together in a room/dimension interacting with each other. XDXD