Oh, and the good point was I would have wasted a lot of work for both of us. I put a lot of time into planning the game and all and it would suck to give up ob it beofre it really started.
That is true. We'd have to then mock you with our fancy V:DA character notepads. And your fancy font IC letters. Mock mock mock. :-)
We'd have to give DA more games before we can decide if it really is "meh" There are three rather different characters, and it is going to take a couple of games to get used to working together.
And I've been looking over my notes from the one-shot Scion game that I wrote, and time depending might be able to start something up again.
We shall carry on with DA then, but if it does get too meh, I will get a Scion game going.
We'd have to give DA more games before we can decide if it really is "meh" There are three rather different characters, and it is going to take a couple of games to get used to working together.
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