Mar 03, 2004 00:46
The new month brings with it a new entry within the catacombs of what you "people" call "livejournal" and what i like to call "Blatant Necrophiliatic Colonoscopies". This of which brings me to my topic. Just the other day, while being griped in a robotic state in class,a few colleagues and I overheard a young lady over yonder in our classroom discussing what came to be quite a mesmorizing feat in my mind. She shared with us a powerful moment in her family tree's history of when her grandfather of 90 years of age was disturbingly constipated one night and could not sleep due to this inhumane blockage of feces within his aged and disgruntled intestines. The young mistress continued to inform us of how he then rose up in smooth and swift fashion in the darknes of the night, went outside and proceeded to use the outside water hose to give him self a very ghetto, but efficient homemade enema. It seems as though the water did its job for it went up his anal orifice and he was able to cleanse himself clean from the blockage of shit within him. Now if that doesnt desearve a round of applause, i dont know what does. that ladies and gentlemen shows will and power, and big fucking balls to stick a water hose up your ass. This is indeed a true story and has forever changed my life. I will forever have a professional Enema kit/Enema person with me at all time incase this should occur to me.