Aug 15, 2006 20:41
Well I survived a day on the job.
Granted I wasn't engaged in nearly the hectic activities that I will be as my employment continues, but I have officially begun gainful employment.
It feels good to be working, but damn nobody told me I'd suddenly feel like I got hit by a truck at like 3 in the afternoon. Greg assures me that I will get used to this and eventually I will not run out of energy mid-afternoon, but for now, I hope I don't pass out while I'm supposed to be doing something important :P.
Meanwhile, I haven't actually moved to San Antonio yet, and the moving company doesn't look like they are going to be able to move me on friday (the day I am supposed to move). So my options are 1.) try to move myself or 2.) beg someone to help me. either way, thursday I will be going back to College Station to set up a U-Haul, finish packing, and clean my old apartment.
Good times are sure to ensue.