Mar 05, 2009 05:28
I really feel that there are young people who need help because they have problems inside that are making them feel like SHIT.
I noticed that here in the Philippines, there are the generic people and then the ones who are afraid then the ones who are hurt. The generic people are the ones who have lots of friends and they don't give a rat's ass about other people because they have lots of friends. It's always happy happy happy time for them and nothing else. Then the ones who are afraid are the ones who show they are happy but deep inside there really is something that is eating them up and they're afraid to show it. Then the ones who are hurt...these are the ones who are alone and who feel like theyre not cared for. the ones with the secrets. There are LOTS of generic people and they really over power the other types of people.
I really really think it's time that all of you look at the people around you and accept that there ARE people who are hurting and we shouldn't look at them as SHITS or BORING or DRAMA because when you look at them like that, the more they feel like their life is WORTH NOTHING. I can't even believe that there are people who can live thorugh life knowing that they've never listened to anyone TRUTHFULLY and HELPED. or even cried with someone because of so much pain.
God teaches us to care for others. where the fuck is that today?
Because seriously, i'm pretty sure TONS of people are afraid to show pain. THE REAL PAIN. the ones you don't say "oh things will be alright." BULLSHIT.
I wish i could save a soul.... i know i can. I just haven't found you yet. maybe you can find me.