Application for Rivelata

Apr 28, 2009 14:50

NAME: Amanda
PERSONAL LJ: lady_flamewing

NAME(S): War
FANDOM: Good Omens
BACKGROUND HISTORY: War - though she's gone by many names, including Scarlett and Carmine "Red" Zuigiber - is one of the Four Horsemen (or, Horsepeople, if we're erring on the side of politically correct) of the Apocalypse. Her job, when the time comes, is to sweep across the face of the planet, destroying the peace of all people.

For now, though - she's simply waiting. The Antichrist (going by the name of Adam Young, due to a slight baby-switching error perpetrated by the Chattering Order of St. Beryl) has appeared on the planet, but Armageddon is not scheduled until his eleventh birthday. And in the meantime, she's finding ways to amuse herself.

Mostly, these ways involve all sorts of chaos. War is described as looking perpetually twenty-five. Her hair is long, auburn; her eyes, orange - and her looks of the sort that men have killed for. Which, of course, she considers the utmost of compliments. She is, after all, War.

Oddly enough, we never see War do much of anything violent. Instead, she seems content to simply stand by and watch the fights break out around her. Apparently by virtue of simply being somewhere, she can cause all sorts of violence. She can take a nation that has been at peace for three thousand years and have it torn into civil war in three days.

And yet, with all of this, no one ever seems to notice anything strange about her until it's too late. She has a dangerous sort of beauty, of the kind you want to stay far away from - but no one ever seems to. Instead, people are drawn into her and her influence, and it isn't until the Armageddon has finally begun, and War has started to come into her ultimate role as a Rider of the Apocalypse.

She is sitting in a bar, amidst the chaos she has created - splitting a nation into three factions, all of which have sent representatives to claim this particular bar (of questionable strategic importance, but certainly with a well-stocked wine cellar) - when a delivery man suddenly appears. He gives her a long, thin package, out of which comes a sword: War's symbol, and the sign that her time has come.

It is not a frilly sword. No decorations, no trim, nothing - it is simply a sword meant to harm, to maim, to kill. It is a sword that embodies everything War stands for, and it is only at this point that the guns the rebel factions are holding are all suddenly pointed at her. War, however, takes no notice - she simply walks through the barrage, seemingly impervious to the bullets, and lets everyone in the bar slaughter each other. With one final glance back, licking a splash of blood from her hand with a cat-like tongue, War goes off to meet her fellow Horsemen.

TIMELINE SUMMARY: The above is the point at which War is being pulled from - she has just been delivered her sword, and has set off on her bike to meet the other Horsemen. She will not be pleased, to say the least - she has been waiting thousands of years for this very moment, and even the idea that time has stopped, that Armageddon will not proceed without her, will likely not make it any better: the idea of having to wait any longer will frustrate her to no end.

PERSONALITY: War has never displayed any sort of concern for the people around her as anything more than playthings. The only company in which she could be remotely described as having human emotions is that of the other Horsemen. Still, she manages to put on a face of pleasant company - most likely to keep herself from too much outward suspicion while she is waiting amidst the company of humans - and most people she meets like her (it is, of course, likely that this is a facet of her physical looks) well enough. She is supremely self-confident, and has flitted around between job choices, never staying in one position for more than a few hundred years. It is likely that in Rivelata, she will look to create as much strife and chaos as is possible - and will love that which already occurs on a regular basis. She'll probably find some sort of job, and likely won't be entirely too picky about what that job is - since she doesn't plan on being around for long.

She thrives in chaos and battle, and given that she has just been granted her ultimate symbolic weapon, she may or may not delve into her own acts of violence - but will probably also be very careful to keep her actions under wraps. No need to alarm anyone, is there? Not when she can play with all of them, on her own time. No matter what, though, she will continue to seek ways to create chaos, to get people fighting - preferably, over her. She loves that.

SPECIAL ABILITIES: As previously mentioned, War seems to have the uncanny ability to incite chaos and violence wherever she goes. She is also described as having an innate proficiency with all kinds of weapons, including those which are modern and electronic - like nuclear missile launch technology. It seems this ability stems from who she is - being the embodiment of war, she naturally must be able to use any implements that incite or carry out such conflicts.


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