Hey Baby Love Crash

Oct 10, 2011 17:40

It was interesting how I was fuming mad about the whole NEWS debacle for the first two days, but by Sunday the anger had largely died down and I have since felt rather serene. :3 Perhaps pouring out my anger in a ranty post (ETA: now locked) did some good after all. Must take note for future anger management.

After the anger had subsided I have since been able to see the other side(s) of the argument and also notice some flaws in mine. A lot of the things I felt when I wrote the rant still stands, though. I'm still side-eyeing Pi real hard, although the anger is drastically reduced. But right now the dominant emotion is worried and hopeful, worried for the 4-nin but tremendously hopeful for them. Believe. <3

I'm also feeling hopeful about continuing to write NEWS fics. I'll probably focus on 4-nin from now on but I still have a soft spot for some pairings involving Pi and Ryo, like ShigePi, KoyaPi and RyoShige, to name a few. I suppose I hit the mark when I said I might still write them if I think about them as "somewhat different people, more like the imaginary personalities in my head than the actual person". Because I realize that's what fic writing is to me. I use my perception of someone's character and use it to create my own world. I may or may not like the character in real life, but I use them because they suit the purposes of the story. Heck, I didn't even like Ryo and Tegoshi all that much when I first started writing them (still don't, really, compared to, say, KoyaShige), but they have strong personalities that can be used in certain situations, for certain story lines, to be pitted against certain other characters (i.e. pair them up with Shige, LOL). In that sense they are not real people, they are characters in my story based on my perception of the real people.

And to be honest, I can't bear the thought of letting go of my two ongoing 'verses, the family verse with ShigePi and how to be 'verse with ShigeRyo. So I guess there's a big chance of Pi and Ryo appearing in my fics in the future despite my, erm, side-eyeing them (mostly Pi) from time to time. Some may call it hypocritical; I call it artistically flexible and able to separate fanfiction from reality. :D

It rained on Saturday so my little sister and I didn't feel like going to karaoke (plus we were, well, angsty and all), so I spent most of the day and the next reading. Cutting for Stone is really compelling so far -- I've made it halfway. And tomorrow (Tuesday night after work) I'm planning a major comeback to the gym. It's been a month after the surgery and my body is ready. :D Yoga class, let me show you how I stretch.

I hope everybody's feeling better about the NEWS situation. <3 We all just need to find a Way Back Into Looooove. Not the Hugh Grant version, but the SuJu/SNSD version.

image Click to view

Taeyeon, Jessica (SNSD) + Kyuhyun, Donghae (Super Junior) - Way Back Into Love

The girls' English are pretty good although Jessica says she needs ins-PIE-ration, while Kyuhyun is waiting for someone to schweat (shed) some light. As for Donghae... I don't know half of what he's saying. XD

talk about writing, it's big news, sj like this

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