Title: Unbroken
Type: One-shot
Word count: 4,685
Rating: G
Pairing: Yamapi/Shige
Summary: The boy doesn’t entirely understand, but he feels as if he’s witnessing something special. Future fic.
sanjihan deserves cookies for the super quick beta-ing last night. My first ShigePi one-shot, yay! ♥
He's the only person in the room who is not getting the message )
Oh my god. Can this boy get any cuter?! <3
I'm in love with him myself, wish he was real XD
Gah. Still heart-wrenching. Man. I really just love how well you've done the child's perspective.
<3 Thank you. I had a lot of fun figuring how he sees things and his efforts to understand them.
I TOTALLY knew that was Koyama's baby. XD
Ufufufufu. The name kinda gave it away, huh?
Nrrrr…. First, Pi's languid smile and then liquid eyes. I… <3 <3 <3 But also, Tomoaki. XD You awesome little boy, lol.
If Pi smiled at me the way he did on the Unplugged DVD I'd melt at his feet <3
So not subtle, Pi. And I love it. He's so vulnerable when it comes to him…
:D Subtle ain't his middle name. And it's a big part of what this fic is built upon, the little hints that Tomoaki was able to catch and interpret.
I may have teared up a bit here………
Awwwwwww *hands you tissues*
*WIBBLES* <3 <3
I sort of did that too while I was writing. Like, a lot XD
lsakjdhfbsjdhbfdskj Thank you, Tara. You flatter me so much <3 <3 <3 I really enjoyed writing this and am so happy with the result. Another one featuring Tomoaki might arrive in your inbox sometime in the future ;D
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