Merlin plotlines

Dec 15, 2008 16:17

I really do have the most terrible habit of falling into fandoms in the middle of exams. Last year's spring finals it was Heroes, before that it was Torchwood, and now, in the span of three most important weeks of my semester I seem to have fallen for Merlin.

I have to say, though, that while the show is addicting and dorky and the prince and warlock have difficulty suppressing their great epic love for each other, I can't help face-palming at how obvious the plot-lines are. I mean, I understand that the series is episodic, and that there's nothing wrong with a little bit of cheese, but I can't help but feel that a good number of the episodes go something like this:

FORCE OF EVIL: *is creepy and evil and foreboding*

NARRATOR: His name - Merlin.

CAMELOT: Look how peaceful and happy I am!


CAMELOT: Bollocks.

UTHER: Why is this happening? What/Who could be doing this?

GAIUS: It's probably magic.


PLOT: *progresses*

UTHER: Um. Maybe it is magic. I think I'll kill someone. That should fix things.

MORGANA: I will argue with you about this, to show everyone that I'm more than just a pretty face.  Also, you are morally wrong. Look at how angry I can be! See how it develops my character!


MORGANA: I am sorry for what I said, Uther.  I'm also obviously lying.

ARTHUR: I am conflicted. Stupid daddy issues.

MERLIN: So what do think this magic thing is?

GAIUS: *flips through book and points* That.

MERLIN: Oh, okay. I'm going to snoop around the kingdom until I find out more.

GAIUS: *raises eyebrows* You better not use magic! I can't tell you how inappropriate it would be for the warlock protagonist to do interesting things like that.

GWEN: Oh hi person who I don't have a big crush on, I mean Merlin, I mean I wasn't talking about you or anything. That would be silly.

WRITERS: Why is heterosexuality so hard to write? Don't ask us.

MERLIN: Hey, Gwen. How are you spending your few minutes of screentime today?

GWEN: Well, I just wanted to reestablish what a good person I am. I might also throw in a bit of Uther!hate, hanging out with some guest characters, and if you're lucky I might also help you save Camelot.

MERLIN: Morgana already volunteered, but thanks! Maybe next week!

EVIL FORCE: I'm going to leave evidence of my plans to kill Prince Arthur lying around, because I'm sneaky like that. If that doesn't work, I will mutter audibly about my plans in places Merlin frequents so he'll Never Know.

MERLIN: The evil force is going to try to kill Arthur! I can't deal with such originality! Help me slashdragon, I don't know what to do!

SLASHDRAGON: Heed my vague and cryptic answer! Also, it is your great and unavoidable DESTINY to become Arthur's soulmate!


SLASHDRAGON: I'm just going to ignore you now and fly away like I do EVERY SINGLE TIME!


MERLIN: Sire, you can't go off and be brave and heroic, because you will almost certainly nearly die!

ARTHUR: Did you say something important? I won't listen to you because I am a stubborn prat, and an attractive princely one at that. I will, however, banter with you because it makes for good homoerotic subtext. Why don't you polish my sword, or something?

ARTHUR (alternatively): Then I will die. Because that is what noble, princely people do.

MERLIN: I don't even know why I'm still grinning. Arthur makes me grin-y.

MERLIN: Gaius, I'm going to save Arthur!

GAIUS: No, Merlin! It's too dangerous!

MERLIN: BUT OUR LOVE IS SO EPIC I WOULD DIE A MILLION DEATHS FOR HIM. And anyway, this time it's different because Arthur is clearly in greater moral peril than he usually is.

ARTHUR: *rides out to certain doom*

MERLIN: *follows*

EVIL FORCE: *attacks*

ARTHUR: I'm dying!

MERLIN: Don't worry -  I will secretly save your princely ass with my sparkly eyes!

EVIL FORCE: *dies*

ARTHUR: *regains consciousness* Did I do that? I'm clearly made of awesome.

UTHER: Son, you did it! Look everyone, look how great my son is!

MERLIN: *eyeroll*

GAIUS: Are you responsible for this, Merlin?

MERLIN: Maybe.

-The End-

...the lengths I will go to in order to avoid studying.

Also, I have to admit that I was rather disappointed by the finale. The stakes really didn't seem that high when Arthur almost dies on a regular basis. Plus I found the imminent-character-death musical chairs to be a bit tiresome, but maybe that's just me. :/ Also Merlin, I did not know it was possible to try to sacrifice your life so many times in forty minutes.

meta, merlin

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