Oct 14, 2003 21:55
I know I said that LJ sucked, but I was just annoyed at some stuff, so I really didn't mean it. GJ is only becoming popular because it has free image hosting, and you can have up to 1,000 icons. Whoop. Dee. Doo. I see nothing fancy about it still, just those two features, if it had more, I would definitely go crazy over it. But, that's just my opinion.
Annalyssa might spend the weekend at my house, depending if her mom doesn't have anything planned that involves her, if she can't come over, then the halloween weekend she'll stay for sure. xDD *is happy* But when she does come over, we are gonna make commercials and short movies with my brothers camcorder. One commercial we have planned out, for her love for Orli. Yes, it' the classic 'Lembas bread' commercial. xP I'll be holding up a regular sandwich bread, and say "Lembas! One small bite ... " I'll take a bite, then Annalyssa will say the rest of the line "can fill the stomach of a full grown man" I'll say "Mmm" give the bread a weird look, and faint, then she'll go "But, you must eat with caution" then smile. Yeah, we are so weird, when were done, maybe I'll upload the clip and post the link here ... maybe. xP I wish I could type up more, but it's 10:00 already, and I need my rest for the big trip tomorrow. I'm gonna miss Jake so much, I couldn't stop cuddling with him, when he came over tonight. My last cuddle with him will be early tomorrow morning, until Friday morning. *pouts* Oh well. Ciao.
I had a dream that I met Mike at the Starbucks near me, and we had a little conversation, then it lead to one thing ... sex. It was nice, but scary. Felt to real. x_X
Dum dee dum dum, I am innocent. xDD