Sep 15, 2005 23:17
You were such an amazing mismatch of so many different traits and random apealing characteritics. And then you traded it all in to conform to an ideal you had for yourself. Is it easier to ignore yourself and be a model of someone else? Will that help you get the girl? When you get her what will happen to you when the mask starts to slide and she sees the real you coming through? Do you think she'll throw everything to the wind and still love you when she finds the guy she loved never really was anyone at all? Just a personality you created to make it easier for you to get by. Changing over night to fit what you want people to see you as it overrated. What's going to happen when the better company you left your real friends for bails on you b/c they're just as fake as you've become? All you'll have left are phony memories of phony friends who made you feel cooler than you deserve to feel. When you turn back to head to the guy you used to be all you'll find are fading memories and shells of friendships you kicked out along the way to being your "true self." Stop being overdramatic about your life, you need drama in it first. Stop blaming everything on other people. And stringing together a few theasuarus nouns and verbs does not make you an artist. You know, maybe I have no room to talk, maybe I just walk around living the lie of the girl I wish I was. Or maybe this is me true blue. But either way at least I can admit that I have no clue what I'm doing. Which I must say is more than you can say for yourself and the guy you've decided you should be. Oh yeah, somewhere a little emo boy is calling...he wants his personality back.
Don't, don't let it go to your head. Guys like you are a dime a dozen. You're a touch overrated. You're a lush and I hate it.