(no subject)

Jul 29, 2015 15:10

I can't be the only one who thinks the world is breeding more assholes, right?

I don't mean just assholes of the intentional variety, like the people mentioned in Weird Al's "Tacky" song. People who post pics of every single snack on Instagram, or take selfies at a funeral. (Have I mentioned how much I hate the term "selfie"?) Hell, not even people who we can instantly tell are assholes like all those bad boss/supervisors/higher-ups featured in "worst boss ever" stories.

There's also the unintentional assholes and it's a lot more insidious because we don't recognize it at first, and we're lucky if we recognize it in hindsight. Remember a while back I said job opportunities seem more like a screen door, one you can look through but not get through? How many times have we all applied for a job, or inquired about an opportunity, and never hear back? Or better yet, what about variations of "don't call us, we'll call you"?

No more "I hate to be the bearer of bad news", you actually have to go call and get the bad news yourself. This isn't a case of "please don't shoot the messenger", because we ARE the messengers.

Maybe this is like the Internet, where it's hard to tell if we're truly enlightening one another with furthering human knowledge or we're just aiming a ginormous flashlight into the recesses of human stupidity.

Cross-posted from http://leonia.dreamwidth.org/944330.html.
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