Oct 02, 2007 18:01

Title: From the Desk of Sirius Black
Rating: PG
Posted for 
barefootboys prompt 1: Calendar

Hope you all like it and it's not TOO random. It's my first time writing for a comm like that, so, hopefully everything's cool.


October 23, 1975

Dear Moony Remus,

Listen, it’s really not my fault cause that git was asking for it and it’s not like he’s dead or anything because James had to go and play the fucking hero and save him and

Are you okay? I know I’m an arse but

Please talk to me again I don’t think I can take this any more. It’s like something inside me is dead or something and I can’t explain it but I can’t deal with you not talking to me and it’s not like it’s that big of a deal so PLEASE

It was pretty shitty, what I did.

I’m sorry about it, I really am, and I didn’t mean to put you in danger like that, because now that I think about it I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if anything ever wound up happening to you because of me. And I’m sorry. I don’t regret doing that to him, but I definitely regret hurting you and putting you in danger like that.

I miss you and your quiet laugh and watching you study and the smell of your sweaters and I haven’t gone near you really in over two fucking weeks and it’s really fucking strange because I’m not fucking queer or anything but I can’t stop thinking that

You    you really don’t have to forgive me. I wouldn’t forgive me.


Yeah. I’m really sorry.

I love you


P.S. It’s been two weeks, though, that you’ve had to be mad at me. That’s what the calendar says anyway. I know because I circled the night it happened because it was obviously really important. I need a reminder of how much of a fuck up I am, anyway, so that’s what September 1st and October 23 and December 23 are circled because So anyway, maybe that’s enough time for you to be over it? No rush or anything. Because you have all the time in the world to get over this or not at all. and I’m rambling. You’ve probably found about five million grammar mistakes in this letter. That seems like a very Remusy thing to do, right? Checking the grammar in apology letters? Is it queer that I find the thought of that to be really adorable? It has to be, right? Because that’s such a girl thing to say and   Shite.

barefootboys, remus/sirius

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