Survey #12

May 14, 2010 15:09

waahhhhh this was a long one, especially for translating XDDD ...but I guess people do crazy things when they're in love so yaaaaaah.

1. The weirderst fancy you've done during a month?
- I'm not sure do I have a lot of weird fancys o_O Or atleast I don't think they're weird  XD!!

2. What color in women's underwear is the best?
- black?

3. When was the last time you told someone that you like this person?
- hmm well I haven't said it with the exact words "I like you" but I guess all my sentences express how I feel for her~

4. Could you be able to wash your teeth with someone else's toothbrush if it was an emergency?
- ewwww

5. Can you play the piano?
- duh?

6. Did you have a birthday cake on your latest birthday?
- I don't... remember.. o_o..

7. Do you have dark secrets that no one knows about?
- I guess so~

8. What are your favourite fragrances?
- the candy-like fragrances *-*

9. The most exotic animal you have touched?
- a snake? XD is it exotic?

10. What do you put in your coffee?
- ewww coffeeeee

11. If you smoke, what was the first cigarette brand you used?
- I don't smoke

12. Do you have tattoos?
- fuck you, no .___.

13. What comes first to your mind when you hear a word "car"?
- shit and money

14. Normal chocolate or white chocolate?
- the white one <3

15. Do you like cheeses?
- yaaaah the ones that don't smell like vomit.

16. Favourite song/artist?

17. In which foods people should put ketchup on?
- Macaroni, fries and chicken nuggets.......

18. Which word is prettier, "love" or "fuck"?

19. Do you own a desk lamp?
- yeah

20. Do you ever chew something else than food?
- unfortunately

21. Favourite bodypart?
- hmmmmmmm >: D okay okay, the hips.

22. Your lucky number?
- 13 and 7 I guess.

23. Have you ever seen a corpse?
- no ___<

55. What kind of friends you've got?
- nice ones <3

56. Do you have plushies?
- sure!

57. Do you like penguins?
- YES *___*

58. Are you satisfied with your nick?
- The one in FaceBook sucks but I like the ones in MSN and MySpace.

59. Do you live in the block of flats?
- yah

60. Best thing in the mid-summer?
- nah idk.

61. Do you curse too much?
- sure XDDDDD!!

62. Do you go for night walks?
- not really .___.

63. Do you ever sleep when you're on a ship?
- Yeah, atleast I try but usually I sleep just 2 hours or so XD

64. Do you watch the stars often?
- sometimes

65. Can you pronounce English well?
- duh?

66. Do you like yelling?
- When I'm drunk, yes. *just like her mother*

67. What do you think of scars?
- ah <3

68. Are you afraid of snakes and spiders?
- NO *____*

69. Have you ever jumped in a lake clothes on?
- noooo....

70. What have you planned for this summer?
- nothing more than the gig of VErsailles .___.

71. How do you wash your jeans?
- in the washing machine o_O

72. Have you ever got an A from a Maths test?
- YES! hah!

73. What was the latest shop you bought shoes from?
- K-Kenkä

74. Pouring rain or endless heat?
- the heat

75. Do you have skis?
- I guess

76. Do you apologize often?
- I try to.

77. Do you swing with your chair?
- yeah

78. Do you use blue mascara?
- nooo

79. If you were a Stabilo-pen, what color would you be?

80. Who's your favourite Moomin?
- The Father Moomin <3<3

81. What kind of shoes are your favourites?
- The Lolita ones <3

82. Are you a horse girl?
- naaah

83. Have you ever talked to your mirror reflection?
- I don't remember o_o

84. Do you like vacuuming (<---how was it spelled again? XDD)?
- blergh -____-;;

85. How many times have you moved?
- Once and I don't remember it 'cos I was three years old.

86. Do you love chocolate?
- eww

87. What do you want next?
- not telling you .___.

88. What do you usually do in the evenings?
- chat and being a retard.

89. Do you often get into trouble?
- no

90. Do you like drawing?
- no

91. Do you like red?
- yaaah <3

92. What is your favourite book?
- The Destruction of Lucifer or something?

93. What posters are on your wall?
- pfffff XDDDDD!!! You actually think I list them all here XDDDD??!!

94. What magazines do you subscribe?
- nothing

95. Do you get drunk every weekend?
- no way

96. Have you even cheated the police?
- I just collapsed. no.

97. Do you have a long journey to school?
- naaah

98. Do you like cuddling?
- yeah .__.

99. What color are your favourite sheets?
- pink.

100. Would you be able to kill?
- I guess so <3

101. Have you ever touched an electric statue?
- a what? XDDD *dumb*

102. Is there someone who doesn't like you because of a thing you didn't even do?
- I bet XDDD!!!

103. Do you miss someone?
- .____.<3

104. Do you think this person misses you too?
- duh.

105. Do you talk to this person?
- Everyday, somehow.

106. When was the last time you laughed?
- yesterday

107. Are you mad at anyone atm? Who?
- I've been mad for many years, the bitches who betrayed me.

108. Do you like anyone atm??
- ...Didn't you already ask this?

109. Have you kissed anyone during last 24 hours?
- noooo .___.

110. Do you like your name?
- yaaah it's ok

111. The last person you laughed at?
- Fuck I was going to say Nöpö XDDDD!! ....Miho <3

112. Last time you were on a beach?
- eww can't remember. NO WAIT! Last summer

113. The latest person you called?
- Heidi

114. The lates person who picked you up?
- dad

115. Latest thing you cried for?
- hmmm mum was being realistic.

surveys, love

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