Jun 26, 2010 19:30
i've been watching the G20 protest for the past couple hours.
the violence that i've seen by the black bloc group....it's disgusting. i hope karma comes around and fucks you in the ass..hard.
not only are you giving the peaceful protesters a bad image, you're disrespecting the city completely. you're not protesting anything, you're piggy backing on people's peaceful protest to cause damage and violence.
to those who support the violence and damage. this is not acceptable. not only is innocent people getting hurt, but property is being damaged and it is unacceptable.
i'm saddened and disgusted that this is what has become of the City. They should have held the G20 summit in Huntsville with the G8 summit.
it will only get worse when night falls too...
i hope the city is still standing by the time morning hits..