Ganked from WS75

Aug 29, 2008 21:32

Because I want to see how bloody repetitive I am!

12 first lines and 12 last lines of my most recent fics.  Let's see if there are any trends in there...


1. Nathan paced up and down the room, wringing his hands in frustration.
2. It was cold on the stakeout
3. Sylar stared at his naked torso in the mirror, and once more fingered his nipples.
4. Mohinder lay on the bed, still half asleep, when he felt the presence of someone near him.
5. Sylar padded quietly into the kitchen, and reached up in to the cupboard.
6. Sylar was sat on the couch, idly flicking through television channels to find something decent to watch, when he heard Mohinder step out of the shower room.
7. Sylar pulled on his trousers, gave Mohinder one last, lingering look, and walked out the room, eyeing the camera on the wall.
8. Mohinder woke up with a start, eyes slowly adjusting to his surroundings.
9.   He walked slowly up to the sprawling mansion. 
10. The door blew open with force; a terrible wind filled the apartment for the briefest second, before all was calm.
11. The lights blinked and flickered. 
12. The journey to the motel was hot, and sticky, and extremely uncomfortable.


1. He smacked Peter playfully on the backside, before walking down the remainder of the stairs, smiling.
2.“Damn right” said Sam, smiling.
3. "How do you feel about ear piercing?” he said, grinning wickedly.
4. “When are you going to let me die?” Sylar screamed after him.
5. “You certainly do. Two more days Sylar. Don’t make me wait any longer.”
6.“Though I wouldn’t object to further testing.”
7. “It’ll be fine.”
8. "Not by a long shot."
9.  Sylar kissed him again giving him his certain answer, before they walked back to the party, hands tightly intertwined, ready to face their future, together. 
10. He was still smiling.
11.  “Of course I will.”
12.  He would not be laughed at a second time

So from that, it appears I tend to set the scene, and then end with a quote.  And a smile.  Or both.   I also conclude that I have probably the most boring set of first and last lines in the entire universe!  When I eventually get my arse in gear to do a fic masterlist, I might do this again with the first 12 fics I wrote, to see if there is any change.  That should be interesting, though I suspect I will still come out of it with a clutch of boring lines.  Bah!

In other, unusually girly news - today I bought what can only be described as the most awesome pair of shoes ever.  Observe:

They are the sort of shoes my seven year old self dreamed about.  Yes I realise I'm not seven any more, but look at them!  It's like happiness woven into a shoe.

I'll stop now.

g's been shopping again, meme, totally random thoughts from my head

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