Title: Childe Winchester to the Dark Tower Came
carmexgirl Claim: Childe Roland
Genre: Adventure/Romance
Pairing/Characters: Dean/Castiel, plus minor Sam, Gabriel, and a few others
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~ 13,400
Warning: AU, possible disturbing imagery
Summary: When his childhood friend Castiel disappears, Childe Winchester abandons his one and only chance to become a Knight to save him, embarking upon a perilous journey to Elfland and the mysterious Dark Tower that lies behind its walls. Written for
A/N: This story is a mixture of the old English fairy tale
Childe Rowland, and the Robert Browning poem
Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came. It’s not based on the Stephen King novels mainly because I haven’t read them. Kind of want to now though. Also 'widdershins' is an old English word meaning to run opposite to the apparent motion of the sun, or counterclockwise. Enjoy!
Chapter the First Chapter the Second Chapter the Third