Facebook and whatnot

Sep 01, 2010 21:05

Just wading in here with my size 3 boots...the whole Facebook thing.  Umm, no.  That's all I have to say really.  Like everyone else, Facebook for me is full of old schoolfriends, work colleagues etc.  None of them, save for CB, know about my fannish doings on LJ, and I'd really like to keep it that way.  This is a hobby, something I do in my spare time because I enjoy it.  If I wanted to broadcast it to a wider sphere, I would put links up on facebook and twitter like some people do.  I really don't, though.  I've always set LJ apart from other social networking sites because I see it as inherently different.  My LJ world and my RL world are completely apart from each other, save for the things I choose to reveal here from time to time and even then, that's a choice.  I think by allowing others to link your post to facebook or wherever is taking that choice away from you, and that's unfair.   If I wanted to shout out that I write porn etc then that should be up to me.

So, in conclusion please, I'd appreciate it if none of my fiction/posts/comments etc were crossposted to Facebook or Twitter.  Hopefully LJ will see how many people's backs they've gotten up with this, and do something about it.  I don't know if they did some market research before they came up with this thing, but it would have been nice to have been asked.

i hate lj with the fire of 1000 suns

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