Captain Kirk Shirtless Count

Jan 02, 2012 13:36

Shatner-as-Kirk is so ridiculous, it's awesome. Let's see how many times he can manage to get out of his clothing. Also to be updated as I go:

1-02, "The Corbomite Maneuver" - First shot of Kirk is of him taking a medical exam shirtless. (However, at 0:8:27, you get a perfectly clear view of Scotty's right hand!)

1-06, "The Naked Time" (ha ha) - McCoy tears the shoulder of Kirk's shirt open to give him an injection. (Also, Sulu runs around shirtless and with a fencing foil in this one. George Takei rocks my socks.)

1-07, "Charlie X" - Kirk tries teaching the little punk Charlie how to fight, Charlie wears a red karate gi, and Kirk wears only pants.

1-09, "What Are Little Girls Made Of?" - Kirk lays, ostensibly naked, with the large restraint across his waist censoring everything we don't want to see, on a large turntable.

1-11, "Miri" - Kirk rips his sleeves open to show his funky blue lesions to the kids. His collar got torn a little too at some point I didn't catch.

1-14, "Court Martial" - In an episode whose story seems the most unexciting of all, Kirk manages to absolutely shred his clothing while fighting a disgruntled crew member in the engine room.

1-17, "Shore Leave" - Kirk tears most of his shirt off in a brawl that lasted way too long.

(1-19, "Arena" - Despite this being that hilarious episode where Kirk fights the lizard-man, and makes a primitive hand cannon out of bamboo and surface minerals, he doesn't even tear a seam. I am amazed.)

2-05, "Amok Time" - Spock slices Kirk's shirt open with a fun little weapon that I'd like to have my own self.

2-15, "Journey to Babel" - Kirk manages to get a shot of him in his quarters, shirtless, as well as a couple shots with just a chest bandage after being stabbed. Will it never end?

2-16, "A Private Little War" - While running around planetside in native garb, there is a disquieting discrepancy between McCoy's fully-laced jerkin, and Kirk's rather loose one.

2-17, "The Gamesters of Triskelion" - Kirk spends most of the episode in a slave harness. This was an episode whose plot read rather uncomfortably like somebody's rape fantasy. Ew. (Yet we do get to hear McCoy tell Spock he's out of his Vulcan mind, and Kirk gets an alien woman named Shahna to ask, "What is Love?", so... I guess it's all okay?)
And also, this episode wins "best comment on Youtube": "i love whenever kirk gets in some sort of physical altercation his shirt always gets torn in the same place from the neck down to the chest so his so his man-breast is on display.....little somethin' for the ladies.....we get a myriad of nameless beautiful women in ass-cut miniskirts and dark get william shattner's right nipple....a fair exchange indeed!" -CatzGNA
This episode fails, however, with the ridiculous concept of directed evolution that appears so often in these episodes. Come the fuck on, people, Lamarck was debunked last century.

2-23, "Patterns of Force" - In yet another script with an Earth-analogue planet with sets borrowed from another genre, the intrepid captain and his straight man first officer find themselves on the Nazi planet. The daring duo is arrested and beaten, shirtless, of course, in the blandest interrogation scene ever. This episode's redeeming qualities include Spock's green blood makeup job, McCoy in a Gestapo colonel's uniform, and a refreshing absence of Kirk managing to kiss anybody.
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