It is re-edited at last! It's posted in five parts, even though it goes against the title and that is annoying, but Livejournal does not sympathize.
Title: A Recipe in Four Parts
Fandom: Harry Potter
carmentakoshi Prompt: #14 from the
rs_career_fest by
remuslives23 Rating: PG for slight language
Pairing(s): Remus/Sirius, James/Lily
Summary: Present day non-magic AU. The recipe: Remus, a down-on-his-luck junior accountant, is assigned to a small, equally down-on-its-luck business. The ingredients: add one handsome but surly baker, two young parents and co-managers, one energetic toddler, and one concerned best mate. Mix. Bake, let sit, and enjoy.
Warnings: pompous writing, liberties taken with the profession of accountant
Word Count: approx. 33 000
1 |
2 |
3a |
3b |
4 Author's Notes: My offering to the first
rs_career_fest ! Here’s the prompt I chose to write for:
#14. Era: Up to writer/artist although the scenarios are more for magic or non-magic AU
Three additions: the boys not getting along at first and working together reluctantly, decent Peter, sexual tension and lots of it
Scenario/ unusual career(s): Sirius is a baker in a shop, Remus is an accountant who inherits the failing business. They have to work together to try and pull the shop out of bankruptcy.
Squicks: Watersports, arse!Peter, nicknames other than canon nicknames, Tonks in any form, effeminate boys.
Maximum rating: Anything up to and beyond (if you can manage it) NC17.
A huge bundle of thanks and chocolate goes to
remuslives23 , because without your lovely prompt, this sweet tale would probably never have been written! As I’ve mentioned on my journal, along with being my first contribution to the Harry Potter fandom, this is also the first long fic I’ve ever finished. It’s kind of unbelievable when I think about long I’ve been writing. One would think that I would have finished a full-length something before now, hahahahahah.
I also want to thank everyone who has read and commented on the original version of this fic over at the comm. To be perfectly frank, the warm welcome I received from the community was quite overwhelming. I was seriously floored by all the beautiful comments I got from all of you. This fandom truly is something special, aaaand I’m going to stop now before this starts to sound like an Oscars speech. X’D
Playlist: Here are the songs I would listen to during the writing process to get the creative juices flowing. I usually choose songs based on their melody rather than their lyrics, but after a bit of lyrics-chasing I managed to find a few lines that fit with the story. ♥
‘A Recipe In Three Parts’ Playlist
Let Down, Radiohead
Don't get sentimental
It always ends up drivel
One day, I am gonna grow wings
A chemical reaction
Hysterical and useless
Want, Rufus Wainwright
I don't want, no I really don't want
To be John Lennon or Leonard Cohen
I just want to be my Dad
With a slight sprinkling of my mother
And work at the family store
Bach Street Prelude, Vanessa-Mae
Sunlit Garden, Shinkichi Mitsumune
Remus & Sirius
Comme des enfants, Coeur de Pirate
C'en est assez de ces dédoublements
C'est plus dur à faire, qu'autrement
Car sans rire, c'est plus facile de rêver
À ce qu'on ne pourra jamais plus toucher
On se prend la main, comme des enfants
Le bonheur aux lèvres, un peu naïvement
Et on marche ensemble, d'un pas décidé
Alors que nos têtes nous crient de tout arrêter
Translation: Like Children, Coeur de Pirate
I’ve had enough of this splitting of ourselves
It’s harder to do, otherwise
Because without laughter, it’s easier to dream
Of things that we could never touch
We hold hands, like children
Happiness on our lips, a little naively
And we walk together, with a determined step
While our heads shout at us to stop everything
Awkward translation is awkward.
Go or Go Ahead, Rufus Wainwright
Go or go ahead and surprise me
Say you've lead the way to a mirage
Go or go ahead and just try me
Nowhere's now here smelling of junipers
Fell of the hay bales, I'm over the rainbows
This is the song I looped in order to get the Christmas kiss scene just right. ;)
Ending Theme
Art in Me, Jars of Clay
Broken stained-glass windows, the fragments ramble on
Tales of broken souls, an eternity's been won
As critics scorn the thoughts and works of mortal man
My eyes are drawn to you in awe once again