The Association Meme

Feb 26, 2009 00:06

Another meme. And another exam tomorrow. This pattern is starting to look familiar, huh? :P

I got this one from iindefinable
She said the five things she associates with me are: Eric, gifs, Yunho, subbing & icons

I made this a little more elaborate than it needed to be but that's good for you guys because it means pictures and gifs :D


For the longest time, I only knew him as the leader of my favorite Kpop group. When I first got into Shinhwa, I couldn't understand at all why girls were crazy about him. But as I saw more of him, I began to see his charms. All his crazy 4-D ness and sexy charisma suddenly became clear. But the thing that finally sealed the deal for me was his acting in "Diary Of June". He was so funny and cool and just plain awesome! I highly recommend the movie, by the way. It's sad but really well made.


The record of talking about Yunho in every single meme I do continues! Haha. After all the gushing I do, it may surprise many of you that I didn't notice him at all when I first got into DBSK. I thought he was so ordinary looking that I didn't even have an opinion about him. I know, I can't believe it myself! I don't remember when I first noticed how loveable he was but I do remember going back and watching all the DBSK videos I had to concentrate on just his scenes. And then fangirling over how awesome he was and kicking myself for not noticing him sooner. He jumped from the bottom of the list straight to the favorite member position and has never been dethroned since then!


Making icons was what got me onto Livejournal in the first place so it's very special to me. I don't make them as much as I use to (why are there only 24 hours in a day?) but I still enjoy it when I do. They let me be creative and artistic but don't take as much time as headers or wallpapers (which is a big plus).

I started subbing MVs for myself because a lot of my favorite artists didn't have awesome subbing groups like GOE;SS and DBSJ Productions. I wanted to be able to see the translations of the songs I loved as I watched the videos so I taught myself how to time and hardsub. I pulled nearly all my hair out in the beginning because nothing seemed to work but once I got the hang of things, it went much more smoothly. And now it's turned into a whole mini-hobby. I just checked and to date, I've done over 150 videos for worldvidz! Wow. Who would have guessed that little side project would get so big?

The greatest things ever created! I love gifs so much that they occupy 2 GB worth of space on my computer. It's so much fun watching them over and over and over again! (Admit it! You've done it too!) They're especially great for scenes that strike a cord with you. And they always result in funny reactions like:

"LOL. That is hilarious!"

or "Awwwww, so adorable!"

or "DAMN! That was hot!"

or even "What the hell are you doing?"

In conclusion, GIFS = AWESOMENESS X 1000000

And I'll let Wannie end this post for me in his own "special" way:

picspam - animations, meme

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