Oh fandom, I hardly knew thee...

Apr 02, 2008 02:54

When did the fan-tards invade the Supernatural fandom? Seriously, what has happened to my beloved online community?

You may have noticed my lack of SPN graphics & picspams lately. I didn't seriously think about it until now, but I'm getting frustrated with the fandom. And bored. I still love the show dearly! It's the only show I will not miss an episode of no matter what else is going on. I might save it and watch it later but I always watch it. And love it as much now as I did the day the pilot aired. But the fandom ... has grown stale.

As someone who has been in the fandom since the start, I've seen it slowly progress into the hysteria I had previously seen in other fandoms. (Like the ship wars in Harry Potter - which totally turned me off the books and movies, by the way.) I remember when posts on supernatural_tv would be about the psychological states of the boys, in-depth info about folklore seen on the show, analyzes of things they've said or alluded to. Stuff with substance and worthy of Kripke calling us "the most intelligent group of fans". Those posts are still there but insanely hard to weed out from all the other nonsense. And let's not forget the hysteria that broke out over girls on the show. I didn't like Jo either and I was skeptical about Bela & Ruby but was a hundred posts about why they suck really necessary? And when Kripke revealed that he changed the storyline to please the fans (I know he says he "didn't like the way it turned out" or "the chemistry was wrong" - but we all know the real reason why), I felt utterly embarrassed. Fans should not have that kind of control over a show. What happened to enjoy the show for what it is? It's Kripke's brain-child, after all. Let him do what he wants!

Then the whole massive spamming of entertainment blogs and sites. Because pissing of the people who write reviews is totally the right way to promote the show. Now they all think we're hysterical fangirls too.

But the ultimate sign of fandom fail - I just saw a post by someone about having a wincest discussion at a SPN convention. WTH?! You want to discuss that in public? Where others can hear you? Seriously, people? I've never been into the wincest thing because ... well, gross!. But you know, whatever. I have no right to comment on other people's preferences and what you like is what you like. What really irks me though is that Jensen & Jared know that the fans write slash about them and their characters. That just makes me feel sick inside. That is so wrong and it never should have come to that. I can't imagine what they must think of us.

Especially after all the psycho fangirls they've already had to deal with lately. Why must fangirls act like 2 year olds in a candy store when they meet stars? Do they think it leaves a good impression? Now personally, I have no desire to meet any of my favorite actors or musicians because I don't see the point. But I also don't see anything wrong with going to fan meetings & conventions. If you act like a normal human being and treat them like they are too. Not screaming and trying to grope them like they're pieces of meat. I just read in one of my Asian fandoms about a fan meeting that went so crazy that the star got injured. WTH?! It just boggles my mind.

Now, don't get me wrong, there are some amazing fans and fan groups out there who have done things like donate to charities of behalf of the boys and send SPN DVDs to troops. I give thanks and bow down to those people for restoring my faith in the fandom & people in general. It's stuff like that that's kept me around as long as I have.

So what was the point of this whole post? Mostly just to rant :) But also to warn you that if you see less and less SPN graphics by me, this is why. I will definitely finish up this season with posts for the remaining episodes but next season? I can't really say. I've just gotten too bored with making icons about the same subject over and over. How many times can you make icons with "warriors" or "heartache" and still enjoy it? I've tried to change it up by experimenting with new styles but three straight years of SPN graphics has taken its toll. Now that doesn't mean I will stop altogether but the posts may be even more sporadic than they are now. But who knows, I can't really predict how I'll feel next fall.

tv show: supernatural

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