Gayest Boyband Photoshoot EVER

Dec 07, 2009 04:13

I'm not that big of a U-Kiss fan but I had to share these pictures because slash (yaoi) fans of all fandoms will be able to appreciate the deliciousness of these shots. The makeup. The silky shirts. The white sheets. Soohyun's hand on Alexander's stomach! Kevin's hand sliding under his thigh... *fans self* The photographer had to be a slash fan!

This is my personal favorite so I had to post it in full size.
You'll have to click on the others below to see them in HQ.

Solo shots of my two favorites: Kevin & Kiseob. How can they be so effing gorgeous?

And to end this glorious post of ghei, behind the scenes shots!

I may have to start paying more attention to U-Kiss now...

fandom: u-kiss, pictures are pretty, boy-boy love

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