Fandom: SGU
M/F OTP: Rush/Gloria. Yeah, she is dead and maybe some of the time she is actually just Destiny's AI or something like that, but I love her with him.
M/M OTP: Rush/Young - this is the SGU pairing that made me write fanfiction. It was all over for me when I saw Young ruffle Rush's hair in "Light" - that's when I saw the slash.
F/F OTP: Camile/Sharon. I really liked them together, they seemed real, like they could be my friends.
OT3: I read a fabulous Young/TJ/Rush by cerebel ("You Smell Like Apple Candy", the sequel to "Broccoli Trees", here's the link, go read it
Favorite Canon: Twin Destinies
Favorite Crack: I don't know. Help!
Guilty Pleasure: I have no guilt about SGU. But maybe that brilliant nemo_r fic with the zombies?
Pairing I Hate: Rush/Mandy. I love, love, love the actress who plays Mandy, and they were fun together, but she is just too darn young for him.