
Jul 06, 2004 16:52

Ok, I am frustrated.

I am not the most "spiritually strong" Jehovahs Witness ever, or anything. I try. I have been counciled (sp) for going to college for 4 years and I have some fun, I go to movies a lot. I will admit, I own some rated "R" movies too. Now I am getting mixed messages on that...I thought it was a conscience matter and I am told it is not. So I am not sure. Same with going to college. I do a lot of "conscience matter" things, only to get counsiling on them later. Maybe I live in a more conservative area?

Anyway, that is not my beef (although you can correct me on the above things if you wish). I HAD a friend who has started to completely ignore me. Because of him believing rumors about me (seems like everything bad happens to me and no one likes me...why bother?) and other things. Anyway it is frustrating because he is sort of a hateful person...changed a lot on the past 2 years. He owns a LOT of guns and always talks about guns and killing and war. These are not hunting guns, they are the killing-people guns..."self defence" he calls it.

My question is....why do I get council (sp-I really can't spell that word) for things that only affect me, yet he does not and he has guns to kill people!?

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