Sep 17, 2005 18:15
ive been sober for almost a week
this world is a lonely world
i dunno what to write, so heres a passage from a book ive been reading for almost two months:
...his golden spear...filled with fire...plunged into me several times...penetrated to my entails...a sweetness so extreme that no one could not possibly wish it to stop.
Langdon smiled. If that's not a metaphor for some serious sex, I don't know what is.
yeah, i found it odd, because its in THIS
i dunno what to do. im home alone, with the truck and my dad said i can go somewhere if i wanted to because i didn't want to go to his friend's husband's birthday dinner thingy.
so i like the idea of doing my hair down and my bangs parted. i don't look AS gross.