Jul 06, 2009 17:41
Hi folks,
I'm doing some housekeeping stuff this week, since I'm on vacation from work for a few days. If you have read my book and want to post a review on Amazon, which would be enormously appreciated by me, here is how to go about doing it. You don't have to have bought it through them to do so, but you do have to have an Amazon account and have to have used that account to make purchases in the past.
You sighted folks can figure the site out much easier so these instructions are aimed at my friends and readers who also happen to be blind. If you can't figure it out from these and are sighted well... welcome to our world. We figure stuff out based on instructions written for y'all all the time. Between brains and working eyeballs, I just truly believe you can do it. If you can't, email me and I'll help.
Amazon can be a confusing and clutterred site. It seems that using the link that is best for screen readers isn't going to provide the option of creating a review. I think this is how best to get to that.
Go to Amazon.com and sign in as you normally would.
Once logged in, do a search for Carmella's Quest
Once info about Carmella's Quest is on the page, the easiest thing I've found is to pull up my JAWS links list and keep hitting the letter c for create a review.
Once you click on that, a page will come up where you can create your own review of the book. If you page down a couple times, it'll say "Start Here" and then there are some things to fill out under that. I paged down 3 times and then had to use my up arrow about 5 or so times to get to the start of the review where it asks if you're over 13.
Then, you can give the book a number of stars, give a title to your review, and then also write out your review in a box provided. Obviously I just turn forms mode on in the edit
I think, before you get to that box, you have to check that it is a written review, not a video review, and then just down arrow past video related stuff.
When you've typed it out, they'll give you a button for previewing your review. After you do that. They'll ask you if you want to submit it.
It takes a couple days for reviews to go up because the Amazon people look at them first.
Hope this helps. Thanks for taking the time to do this. The more reviews, the better.