I finished reading Carmella’s Quest into digital audio format at the SC State Talking Book Library yesterday. I’ll have to go in one more time to do any needed edits, but the book itself is done. That was so much fun. I just rhymed about my recording for the blind. I didn't mean to do it, and won't keep putting my readers' through it. I never wrote much poetry. The world is a better place for that obviously. Chris Yates and other TBS staff members were truly a pleasure to work with on this project. Their enthusiasm means a lot to me and I’m proud to be contributing my own work to their collection. Getting to read it myself made it much more personally fulfilling for me than just dropping it off and waiting around to hear how someone else narrated it. Reading it out loud like that also allowed me to experience the book differently myself. I suspect that will happen again when I have the chance to hear the finished product also. I’m looking forward to that.
I now have CQ posters and flyers courtesy of Rob Barge. Rob has done illustrations for a couple of Red Letter Press titles and we met at the SC Book Festival. He’s a very nice guy and he and his wife have a really cool 8 year old son. He’s also friends with Chronicle Bill who wrote a couple articles about me and CQ for the Lexington Chronicle in April. His website is
www.hardwaregraphics.com I put together a very simple website to promote CQ through my ISP. Its at
http://home.att.net/~cdbroome/ That’s pretty much it for this go round.