Yooo it's the morning of Spring 11 and I just did the garden tour. It went pretty well, with everyone but Allen seeming to really enjoy it, but, frustratingly enough, it somehow totaled out to 910 points (after I switched the two lion topiaries for 4 weather vanes). I guess the guide is probably wrong about the amount of points Weather Vanes are worth. When I added two more, I only got ten more points. (Then again, I also replaced the lion topiaries, but those should've been worth 30 points which would've made them the same amount. I have no idea why my garden wasn't over 1,000 points, but I'm not that bummed about it. At least everyone loved it!)
Anyway, the rest of the week has been a dream; I finally found enough walnuts to make the miller, got the medicine maker blueprint and made that too. Now my maker shed is full, and I can make everything higher quality! Huzzah!
Also, I now have 4/5 bamboo that I need for the master rod. So close! I've been making so many trips to the land of the east and the ancient ruins (I travel every day that the agency is open), so I've also gotten a lot of colored down and the like. My money got drained quite a bit, but after a big cotton harvest I managed to earn it all back pretty quickly. Large quantities of cotton fabric make you a pretty good profit!
Advice of the day: If you're looking to win crop festivals AND make a profit during the year, grow tons of year round fibers (not the ones that take forever to grow like soybeans and wheat, but fibers like cotton and flax) or herbs. If you use the strategy of Grow -> fertilize -> make new seeds, you'll get up to a high star rank pretty quickly, rather than getting up to 3 stars and then having to wait another year to rank up like with the seasonal flowers and veggies. Also, growing lots of cotton is good for expanding your wardrobe. After all, Yuri needs cotton in order to make a lot of the outfits! I have somewhere around seven outfits currently. I haven't grown any flax yet, though, so that's been a limiting factor, and I don't currently produce any great wool on my farm either. Some day, some day. It'd be nice to be able to make something fancy to wear to festivals.
Anyway, lots of good stuff got done today! As always, comment your thoughts below! I'd be very happy to hear from you!
-Mel Dievina