(no subject)

May 02, 2007 23:28

Oh Livejournal- I have forsaken thee.

Quick little update:
Had my review, it went swimmingly and I was all ready to go in there and fight for the raise I wanted and I didn't even have to- they just offered me the perfect amount. They were also a bit over a month late and so it was retroactive and I got a nice little bundle of cash for the month I missed. Nice.

I got two covers for one of my young artists. Someone who was nothing three months ago will be on the cover of two national magazines... Crazy.

I hate girls (and boys)

I love Chris Pureka's music. "These Pages" is the story of my life.

I have 6 clients and there are more coming, I'm swamped, overwhelmed, excited, scared...

I miss you out there in LJ land.

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