Ты это мне говоришь? Человеку получившему Presidential scholarship на семинар по Баухаусу?
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Xanti Schawinski, one of the students, ascribed the "wonderful community spirit of the Dessau Bauhaus to Gropius architecture: "All you had to do to call a friend was to step out on your balcony and whistle". ...Gropius explained his intent:"...to build means to shape the activities of life...The shape of a building is not there for its own sake..."
А потом, как водится, пришёл гегемон (Ханнес Мейер) и всё пошло прахом.
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Xanti Schawinski, one of the students, ascribed the "wonderful community spirit of the Dessau Bauhaus to Gropius architecture: "All you had to do to call a friend was to step out on your balcony and whistle". ...Gropius explained his intent:"...to build means to shape the activities of life...The shape of a building is not there for its own sake..."
А потом, как водится, пришёл гегемон (Ханнес Мейер) и всё пошло прахом.
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