I stole this from AUTUMN!

Jul 28, 2006 13:59

I stole this from Autumn!

1. are you missing someone right now?: Always
2. are you happy: Yes.. wait... sure lets go with that
3. are you talking to anyone right now: Nope
4. are you bored: Eh could be worse
5. are you german: Ha no
6. are you irish: alittle from my mom
7. are you french: Yes thats where half of me is from.(Other is Mexican)
8. are you Italian: Nope
9. are your parents still married: Yeah.....
10. do you like someone right now: Yes its not like.. its I love someone right now :D
1. hometown: Not telling you XD
2. hair color: Brown
4. hair style: Wavy
5. eye color: Hazel
6. shoe size: 7
7. mood: Blah and sleepy
8. orientation: straight
9. available?: No
10. lefty/righty: Righty!!!

1. have you ever been in love: I'm in love RIGHT now :]
2. do you believe in love: Yes I do actually. Well now I do :D
3. why did your last relationship fail: Because he was stupid!
4. have you ever been heartbroken: No
5. have you ever broken someone's heart?: Ha yeaaah
6. have you ever fallen for your best friend: Yes *shivers* *twitch*
7. have you ever liked someone but never told them: HAHA YEAH
8. are you afraid of commitment: Nope
9. have you ever kissed someone you liked: Yes
10. have you ever had a secret admirer: I think so

1. love or lust: Um both is good I guess
2. hard liquor or beer: Neither
3. night or day: Night!!! Yes I perfer night
4. one night stands or relationships: Relationships <33
5. television or internet: Interent
6. pepsi or coke: I don't like neither
7. wild night out or romantic night in: I like both actually but I guess romantic night in.
8. colored pictures or black and white pictures: Both!
9. phone or in person: Both depending on the situation
10. aim or phone: Both actually!

1. been caught sneaking out?: No
2. skinny dipped?: Ew NO
3. done something you regret?: Ha all the time
4. bungee jumped?: Nope
5. been on a house boat?: I never been on a boat
6. finished an entire jaw breaker?: Nope
7. wanted someone so badly it hurt?: No I think
8. been caught by your parents with a hickey?: Omg no lol
9. danced in the rain?: I have before ...long time ago
10. kissed the opposite sex on the lips?: Yes! haha

Thanks for the survery Autumn. Now give me more so I can not be so bored haha.
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