hello people of earth with internet.

Dec 15, 2025 21:46

Tumblr | Delicious (fanfic recs)

Fandoms, in order of appearance: Harry Potter, Star Trek (TOS and AOS), Trek RPF, Inception

Mostly, I lurk and comment about fannish things. On the rare occasion, I will write something-- if I do, it will most likely be posted here. Other posts include picspams, random rants with little relevancy to most anything, fanfic recs/squeeing, fangirling, and other things of little substance. Long things will always be behind a cut. My tags page is currently a godawful mess, but I'm a little anal retentive about keeping my tags organized on delicious.

If you feel so desired, please friend me. You can also follow me on Tumblr if that's more your thing. :)

sticky, star trek

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