toronto/fan expo trip - wednesday

Sep 04, 2014 10:17

Can’t believe it’s already been a week since we left for Toronto for Fan Expo! Last year I never ended up making any posts about it so this year I’m not putting it off.

So I took Wednesday to Friday off work, Shelley was acting like it was the hardest thing in the world for me to take the time off work, but it was just because two toher people were also taking those days off too. But there was no way I wasn’t going because I hardly ever take time off, and I really needed this.

I went with Lola again, and this year Bill came too. Lola met him at Fan Expo a couple years ago and he happened to be also from North Bay, so this year he came with us so we could share a hotel room, plus we took his car down instead of Lola’s. Bill drove the whole way and it was a good drive because he’s driven there a lot and he drives kind of fast. When we got to Vaughan we stopped at the Ikea for lunch. Bill had never had the meatballs from there before so we made him get them. I got carrot cake too, it was good. After Ikea we went to our hotel and it was so nice to check in and get in our room.

The week before we talked with Alyssa, who I went to college with, about meeting up with her while we were in Toronto, so we all went out for supper and to the aquarium that night. First we walked to the convention centre to pick up our wrist bands, then we walked to the train station to get Alyssa, though that took us a bit because we weren’t really sure what platform to go to. Once we found her we walked around a bit looking for somewhere to eat. We were going to have sushi, but we ended up just going to Boston Pizza because it was just across the street from the aquarium. The aquarium was super cool, I’m really happy we went. My favourite parts were definitely the jelly fish, sting rays, and the shark tunnel. I tried to take pictures, but it’s kind of hard to take good ones through the tank glass. After the aquarium we walked Alyssa back to the train station and went back to the hotel.

Lola and Bill

Bil, Lola, and Alyssa

hi guys

obviously i'm most happy with the jelly pictures

At the hotel we decided to go to the pool. The pool at the hotel is so nice, it’s on a roof floor and the pool is heated so in the evening you can just stay in the pool and watch the sunset, it’s awesome. When we were done at the pool we realized that our room key didn’t work so we had to go down to the front desk in our bathing suits to get a new one.
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