Nov 01, 2007 21:41
Well, it's been an odd few weeks. Exams, personal stuff - you know, the usual. Exams are ridiculous. I know it sounds stupid, but at this particular point in time, exams suck. See, the thing about exams is, it seems like the weight of the world is on you and the pressure is insurmountable. But everyone older than you has already done all this, so it seems to them like it pales in comparison to "real life" problems. And while this may be well and good for them, it kinda sucks for us, as it kinda seems like they don't really care about the very real pressure and general air of hopelessness among us all. Like on the first day of exams, our principal says "I would wish you good luck. But I won't. It's not about luck, it's about how much you've studied" and you could just hear everyone scoffing at that statement, true as it may be. It just seems like theres no-one to talk to, because everyone else has their own problems, so it just feels like you're kinda going through it alone. And that's what sucks the most.
Ok, sorry for anyone who actually read that, I just needed to vent.
Well, the exams are kinda going ok I guess. I mean, I know I failed maths extension, but really, the only reason I even sat that test was because I was a bit too lazy to drop the subject in time. Everything else went as well as could be expected. Chemistry and English were kinda random, as the questions in the paper seemed to come out of left field. Absolutely no correlation with any paper done in the past.
That said, I'm just glad they're over with. Only 2 more to go (French and Legal studies) until I'm free forever!...until I go to uni next year, with even harder exams. Oh well.
Not to mention as if exams weren't stressful enough, theres also been some personal stuff going on. I'm not going to go into it, but lets just say that the timing sucked and now I'm a little confused as to exactly how I'm supposed to be feeling about stuff. Something tells me I'm not responding the right way, but well, to each his own. I'm sure it's just my brain dealing with it.
Whew, that was a slightly longer rant than I anticipated. Glad to have it off my chest though.