Jan 18, 2005 16:53
So I'm finally updating this journal for 'real.' I guess my conversations with bot!Sirius have not been as cool lately. Damn you, Sirius Black!
My info page changed. Haha, Bill Gates. He's my hero now. (I hate you, Steve Jobs. You ARE the rotten 'Apple' you created. Macintosh sucks.)
These antibiotics are killing me. I actually called in sick to work today. This is absolutely ridiculous that I'm calling in for stomach cramps, but my goodness they hurt really bad. My bed is lookin' awfully mighty and wonderful right now.
'The Daily Show' had a piece on the 'International Pamphlet' and there was a segment on Britain about this guy living with wolves for a while. [Cut to Jon] "To which the wolf replied, 'I'll see your ass at tonight's hump off!' Adding, 'Awoooooo.'" And for those of you that know I use him for Lupin, I about died laughing.
Three days. Whoot. \o/
I got accepted as Harry in another RPG on GJ. It starts on 1 February. I'm really excited about it too cause like, Ashley is there and I haven't RPed with her in a very long time. Also, I'm going to visit her this summer in Jersey and we're going to try to go to a live taping of 'The Daily Show.' Dunno if we'll get in since she'll only be 17 and you have to be 18 to be in the studio for it. Meh.
I have a new comforter and sheets. It's not important, really, but it sure is purdy. Black Egyptian Sateen comforter, multicolored stripped sheets... Tres bien. It makes me happy. ^___^
Anyway, Ima go suffer myself to Dante's Inferno now. Great book... I just don't feel like reading.