(1) Post a simple picture of yourself.
(2) Tell how you're related to photography.
Examples: photographer, model, or personal interest.
I'm actually a photo major! Lame, lame, lame.
It's a definite interest as well. I express myself through photography
more than I can with any other medium.
(3) If you're the photographer, post the best picture you've taken to date.
If you're the model, post the best picture taken of you.
Or if it's just a personal interest, post your favorite picture.
Oh, shit, what a difficult question. It changes so often.
At the moment, I guess, this is one of my favorites.
Credit --> "
Monologue Man" by *
DorOthY-ShoEs @ deviantart.com
(4)Tell us what exactly the art of photography means to you.
Everything. Photography is such an honest expression of yourself.
It's so interesting to see different perspectives, different photographers,
because everyone has a different eye, a different way they perceive the world.
It's the most fascinating part about it, to me. Seeing all these different
aspects through everyone's eyes.