Report 4

Dec 27, 2008 09:56

Wow, I've been so busy, I haven't written anything here in a long time. It feels like it's been months.

Let's see, what have I done so far? Well, I've found an apartment to live in. It's right on the corner of a building, near a crossroads, so I can look out my window and see all the people coming and going. I guess I've gotten used to city noise going on around me all the time. It's a nice room - a little smaller than my old apartment in Neo Domino. Still, it feels big with just me living in it. I miss Jack.

I talked to the people at the newspaper office, and they're going to give me a trial and see how I do. I really, really want to do well! I don't get any big assignments yet, which is boring. I'm going to keep my eyes peeled for something big. If I can be first on the scene, I can write a firsthand report and impress everyone!

Funny thing - I was doing some research at the library for my first assignment, and some men came up to me and asked me to join their faction. They seemed to know a lot about me already, which is kind of creepy, but they were nice to me. I guess it is nice to be invited to be part of something, like somebody here really wants me around. It doesn't sound so bad, to be part of the Virtuoso.

Hey, Lenalee, thanks again for helping out with the shark. It's really appreciated.
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