Jan 16, 2005 01:16
life is a rollercoaster sometimes..like im so off n on...probably because im a hormonal teenage grl..but still oy
*friday was GREAT...wow amazing times jenna n britt--> FYI, ::british accent:: Cpt. Morgans!, my elbow hurts, the room, why am i on the floor?, retarded pictures, the HOTTEST rims ever haha, appel's car, CULT 45, the chilis box game...intense! <--n soo much more
*sat mornin me n jenna went to STARBUCKS yumm it was good...regathering out thoughts about the night before...then we drove around, got lost haha, n then eventually went to the mall n saw a million people when we looked like SHYT..we got a lot of good stuff tho...syd took a nap haha
*so by then...i was literally running on like 5 hours sleep in two nights...so i came home n took a nap n then woke up feeling like shyt...syd came over for a while n it was fking hilarious..we were being so random...good timez
*so up until that point, everything was good--> until i had like 5 people telling me about their problems..and i love being there to help people out seriosuly i like it..but it always gets me to thinking about my own insecurities...the hidden emotions ya kno?!?... n like sumtimes i feel like no matter how fun times can get im still lacking security...w/e i guess im doomed to be the grl in the background ya kno urrg i hate that thats SO not me.
*anyways..just me venting..nothing ben folds live and a good dose of some robin conversation cant help
x3 car