School: Day One

Sep 13, 2005 15:35

Still have not talked to cute dread bo and plan on not. I have decided that i dont have time to wast on having a crush. If we talk then we talk but i dont have time to sit around and be afarid to talk to him and purposefully bump into him.
Classes seem to be really good so far. Im really excited about all of them acually. German was a ot of fun and I think im really going to enjoy Political Philosphy. Russian Lit. was cancled today and there is a rumor that our teacher got in a car accident but she is supposidly ok. Tommarow I have my first ecology class (my only blocked class) and im way excited about that. Piano class should be nice as well. I auditioned today and Mr. Bara said he isnt sure where i should go. Im not a begginner when it comes to piano but im way behind on my sightreading (bass clef) and my scales are real bad. He said that he will put me in the advanced class but i need to tell him if its soo much or what not.
I had my first lesson today. I think i will be haing them secound hour on the days i dont have ecology. Today we basically jsut talked about what I want to get out of this year and im really glad we did. Now Mr.Norris knows what i want to do after highschool and he seems to think its prity cool. I really like him.
Outreach is going to be a lot of fun i think. I decided to take over the Humain society section and im awating a call back from the man in charge there. Hopefully I will beable to take a group of kids to the facility every monday and help out around the shelter. Im way excited about this and amnisty international. woot! im happy that im acually doing stuff to help change the things that bother me! and im really excited about all the animals that ill be able to play with at the humane society. Its feels good to be in charge of something.
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