Mar 16, 2005 21:10
So i just got home from play practice..akward, lol, Mike ;p grr...people are just pushing my buttons latley! And i guess im "not as daring" as i "used to be". YEH. Cause i was ever so much before. Im so sorry that im such a disapointment to you. Sorry im not the person you wanted me to be. I used to be exciting and new but i guess im not. Im not exciting, or daring. Im just me.
+Play practice
+ Alias is on tonight
+ Audrey may come to my play cause shes awesome. :)
- Im sick
-the play is a bit akward with mike, lol
-spanish test tomorrow
-math test friday
-flys died in science
-rich shaved his head (not really bad for me, but this ones for anna)
-O-E is being stupid
-I want to comp out of Econ. but its really hard :(
-I didnt get to dance this week
-Im not daring anymore
- I need confidance and courage...
sorry if this entry is so...yuck..i needed to vent :(
anna marie is my hero, she is so strong, i am so proud of her for going back out on that floor and performing.
lOvE. cArLy.