Dear Yuletide Author

Oct 04, 2018 23:15

Dear Yuletide Author,

Hi! I am so glad that we've been brought together, because that means that you love at least two things I love: Yuletide and one of these fandoms. I am going to tell you a little about me and what I like (and dislike) in stories first, and then we'll talk about each fandom.

Let's get the unpleasantness out of the way. Please no graphic discussion or description of rape or anything horrible done to the mentally ill. And on the whole I want happy things for Yuletide, so please no angst or sad endings.

There! Unpleasantness over. Now let's talk about YES. Yes to storytelling. Yes to strong female characters. Yes to happy, healthy relationships. Yes to love, all the kinds of love the Greeks had that we've read about in Tumblr gif sets. Yes to deep, obsessive, stalker level character details. I want to know what book Kato Hoeven loved best in sixth grade. I want to know what Ray Levoi's hair looks like in the morning. I love these characters and I am greedy for this stuff. You cannot give me too much. If you write me 1,000 words of character detail with no plot at all, I will be on cloud nine. Yes to competence kink. Yes to dialogue that just exists to amuse. Yes to character driven plots. Yes to taking storytelling risks. I will support you, Yuletide Author. I trust you, and I will follow wherever you lead.

Let's talk about my requests.

Thunderheart (1992): Ray Levoi and Walter Crow Horse

I would adore anything you can come up with for this couple. I ship them like crazy, but if you just want to write platonic snark and affection, that is fine, too. For canon stuff I really prefer future pieces, not just, “what happens after Ray leaves the rez,” but what happens a year on when he's got his shit together a bit.

If you want to write an AU, THRILL ME. I don't like coffee shop AUs or high school AUs, etc., but I am obsessed with pretty much every variety of soulmate/soul mark/etc. AUs with the exception of A/B/O stuff. I might actually require resuscitation if I open up my email on Christmas Day and find I have a Ray/Walter soulmate AU waiting for me.

Hotel Beau Séjour (TV): Kato Hoeven

I was so into this show, and the end crushed me. Somehow I had convinced myself that Kato would get a happy ending, but then she just fades away. Please write something happy for Kato, whether it's before her death or after.

Picnic at Hanging Rock (TV): Miranda Reid, Marian Quaid, and Irma Leopold

My girls! My beautiful girls. I adored this triad, and I would dearly love to see more of them together.

Thelma (2017): Thelma Eva Brenne and Anja Adams Lie

I would love to see Thelma and Anja’s life after Thelma deals with her trauma, a life I am imagining rather more like Matilda than Carrie. Show me love, Yuletide Author. Show me life. Baby show me what it's all about, all right.

thunderheart, random television, cinema, yuletide

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