YULETIDE FIC: you lost me in the rear view (American Gods, Laura/Mad Sweeney, R)

Jan 01, 2018 14:09

TITLE: you lost me in the rear view
RATING: R for sex and gratuitous use of the F word
FANDOM: American Gods
CHARACTERS: Laura Moon, Mad Sweeney
PAIRING: Laura Moon/Mad Sweeney, Laura Moon/Shadow Moon
SUMMARY: A lonesome motel pitstop en route to resurrection.
AUTHOR’S NOTES: Written as a treat for pax’s 2017 yuletide. Title from Tori Amos’s “a sorta ( Read more... )

story post, american gods, yuletide

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Comments 2

ginevra_alessa January 6 2018, 03:58:43 UTC
this is amazing! love it. esp. "The curtains aren’t closed, and a blueish light from the motel’s neon sign filters in over the two of them sprawled naked on the floor half tangled in the scratchy cheap sheets. It’s like being in a fucking aquarium.

Laura’s hair fans out around her head, like a mermaid’s" and the dialogue is so perf and how it hurts him when she brings up Shadow indirectly.


carlyinrome January 16 2018, 10:24:34 UTC

Ah, thank you!


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